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Tree Buds Citizen Forester Program

  • 09 Oct 2021
  • 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • San Antonio Botanical Garden-Auld House

Invitation to Join the Tree Buds Citizen Forester Program

Contact Mark Bird:  mark.bird@sanantonio.gov

Tree Buds Citizen Forester Training Class:

Alamo Forest Partnership is presenting an opportunity to receive hands-on training on proper tree pruning techniques for young trees and essential tree care maintenance from professional ISA Certified Arborists.

The Tree Buds Citizen Forester Training Program is sponsored by the Alamo Forest Partnership and the San Antonio Arborists Association. The goal is to teach citizens the basics of proper tree pruning for young trees and essential tree care in order to supplement the San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department’s tree planting initiatives.

Since 2009 the Parks and Recreation Department, with the help of many volunteers, has planted over 20,000 trees! These young trees have been properly planted and watered to ensure establishment. However, basic structural pruning has not been completed on most of these trees.

Selected ‘Tree Buds’ will be trained on proper pruning techniques to improve the structure of the young trees, and to perform basic tree care maintenance such as ensuring tree root collars are exposed and mulch is properly applied.

20 applicants will be selected to be part of each Tree Buds Citizen Forester Class. Selected applicants will receive a minimum of 4 hours of training and hands on practice with ISA Certified Arborists. In return, trainees are asked to perform 12 hours of community service within the next year at selected city parks and community centers under the supervision of the Tree Buds program certified arborists. The service will consist of pruning and providing basic tree care for young trees in city parks and public spaces.

Who May Apply: persons 18 yrs. & older (requires completed/signed volunteer waiver)

When: October 9th, 2021

Time: 8:30 to 12:30

Where: San Antonio Botanical Gardens: Auld House

What is provided at the training:

  • Program introduction, policies and procedures
  • Common urban tree mistakes and myths
  • Tree identification
  • Tree pruning basics
  • Field demonstrations and hands on practice
  • Tree Buds t-shirt
  • *Tools will be issued for use at the training session and at each work day (tools to include but not limited to: tree hand saw, hand pruners, scabbard, pole saw, spray paint)
  • *Safety equipment will be issued for use at the training session and at each work day (hardhat, safety glasses, gloves)
  • Complete the application below and email by Wednesday, October 6th, 2021, to:


Tree Bud Application


(Please Print or Type)

Applicant Name: ________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip Code ______________________________________________________________

E-mail: _____________________________________________

Phone #: (____) ____-______ Alternate Phone #: (____) ____-______

Emergency Information: ____________________________________________ (____) ____-_____

Name of Contact Person Relationship Phone #:

Give a brief description and/or list current or previous programs, events, trainings, you have volunteered with and what services you performed (especially as relates to trees, plants, wildlife):

1) The Tree Bud program is a volunteer program sponsored by the Alamo Forest Partnership (AFP) and the San Antonio Arborists Association. The purpose of the Tree Bud Program is to train participants how to perform basic tree pruning, tree identification and tree maintenance. The program will provide hands-on tree pruning training and basic tree maintenance. The program is open to persons 18 years and older.

2) Tree Buds Orientation

  • October 9th, 2021 @ SABOT – Auld House

3) Orientation:

Introductions and Program Overview and why proper pruning and maintenance is important

Basic Tree Biology & Tree ID

Common tree issues: how to identify and correct

Tree Pruning, Root Collar Excavation, Mulching, Tree Inventory/Basic Assessment

4) Adult T-shirt size: Sm Med Lrg XLrg (circle one)

5) Community Service

In addition to the training received, you are expected to complete a minimum of 12 hours of community service towards tree-related projects on various City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation properties and other city and community properties.


I understand that to become a Tree Bud, I must be at least 18 years old and I will need to successfully complete a combination of classroom instruction, field training, and community service. I will be expected to make up any classroom and field training hours that I miss. If I am absent for more than 1 hour of the training session, I will be dropped from the program and can re-apply to participate in future training programs. For my community service, I am expected to complete a minimum of 12 volunteer hours on projects that involve trees on public property by December 31st of the training year. I understand that during the field training component of the program and community service hours, the following physical activities and equipment may used in an outdoor environment: hand pruner, hand saw, pole-saw, loppers, spray paint. Activities may include extended periods of walking and working with the afore mentioned equipment. Tree Buds will be trained and provide service hours in various weather conditions and exposure to other elements that may include but are not limited to: insects (ants, wasps, bees, asps, etc.), wildlife (birds, dogs, cats, etc.) poisonous plants, thorns, man-made debris (glass, nails, etc.).

I also agree to be responsible and respectful of people, property and the environment in all activities I participate in as a Tree Bud.

Applicant’s Signature Printed Name Date

Application Deadline for the October 9th orientation: October 6th, 2021

EMAIL APPLICATION to: Mark.bird@sanantonio.gov

Please call (210)207-0278 for any questions or concerns that arise in completing this application

Q. What parks will Tree Buds do service hours in?

A. Tree Bud volunteer service projects will be done in parks and community centers throughout the city (check the Parks & Recreation Calendar for Tree Bud Service Dates at a park near you

Q. Can children participate?

A. You must be 18 years of age and older

Q. What does poison ivy look like?

A. As part of your training you will learn to identify poison ivy and other possibly poisonous plants

Q. Do I need to recertify as a Tree Bud every year?

A. As long as you maintain the minimum required service hours (12) annually you are good.

Q. What if it rains on a scheduled Tree Buds service day?

A. Service days will be posted on the Parks & Recreation Volunteer website

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